Our Treeing (a.k.a. Mountain) Feist Dogs: Gray's Trigger, Kentucky Jody, and Gray's Mustang Sally
We got Trigger and Jody in May 2005. Trigger is a tri-color male and Jody is a brown and white female. Sally is a black
and tan female out of Trigger and Jody born in June 2007. All are registered with the NKC and the UKC as Treeing Feist. The
dogs are out of Cadillac Jack, Buckley, Sport Model and Kemmer lines.
*To see a more detailed description of their pedigree check out the "Pedigree of Our Dogs" page*
Our Stray Cat:
Sylvester followed Marc and Trigger home one day. It had been really cold out and he was very young, very skinny and
partially frost-bitten on his face. He looks a lot better now. Fat and happy.